Blood and Thunder is a blog periodically written by Ivan Deluca about his interests and hobbies.

A blog about Games and the internet in general; now with less updates

Saturday, August 29

Posted by Ivan

Shaman King series finale

Shaman's King Image

I found out a couple of days ago that the manga made by Hiroyuki Takei has come to an end. The last part of the manga, which had a cancelation back in 2004, and a re-appearence on 2006, was being released periodically (with one month or two between each issue) by Shonen Jump, due to the lack of popularity of the very last arc.

Paralelly to the Anime, the Manga had a somewhat ambiguous and open ending, with the characters reuniting 7 years later.
I honestly wasn't reading much of it until a month ago when I started to catch up on the last issues of the Kang Zeng Bang.

While I'm talking to anime, Naruto's fight with Pain also ended a couple days ago.

Narutos' Image

The final part of the Manga, Naruto & Sasuke's fight should be coming soon, probably after the capture of the Eight Tailed beast, due to the death of all the other enemies.

If you're like me, and don't enjoy downloading ZIPs to read them later, you could check onemanga for online scans of both series and more. It's not that I'm doing advertising, folks.