Blood and Thunder is a blog periodically written by Ivan Deluca about his interests and hobbies.

A blog about Games and the internet in general; now with less updates

Friday, December 18

Posted by Ivan

Ahhh blog updates.

Eh, I'm not one of those guys who updates a lot his blog.
I don't have the urge nor the desire (aren't they synonyms?) to publish new articles, mainly because I do not form entire ideas on my heads, just little pieces of information. That's right, little scraps of information.

"oh hey, cool thing over there", "oh this band launched an album". Stuff like that. Nothing major; Just daily information that I process to a certain degree of interest, which apparently is just below the "enough to write a blog entry" category. Oh well.

9 Things You Can't Forget When Designing a Blog

Founda' cool article on Tutorial9 which has some advices on designing blogs. I find the latest three to be opinionated and subject to personal criteria, but most of text contains good information. Worth a look, or two.

The link's on the picture, or can be found here: 9 Things You Can't Forget When Designing a Blog